Building a community of lifelong teaching!
+84 (036) 578-4365 (Hanoi) Skype ID: RiBonline
Just a few words about this page, the owner, and why it has come to be.
I am Roger Shane, more often known as Roger in Bangkok over the past thirty-years. My original home was in various places around the the USA, growing up primarily as a Midwestern farm boy. I now live in Bangkok, Thailand with several of my Thai grandchildren and have done so for over those 30 continuous years.
Today I continue to serve several companies, organizations, and NGOs as an external and independent technical consultant. Also, today 28 August 2019, I established this internet domain and beta-site, for technical reasons of my own. However, another key interest is in identifying a certain excellence in English language teaching in behalf of my client here in Hanoi. I don't happen to believe that Native speakers are always necessarily the best choice, so I hope we can best fit the resources at hand to best meet the needs of the moment throughout Vietnam. All of the information or opportunity you see here is indeed current and real. I do not work with simulations and test information here at all. Your responses and inquiries go directly, and immediately, to the HR professionals who are here to serve your needs.
We know that teaching is easier when you have excellent and interested students. That's why most of our schools, centers and placement agencies have achieved an advanced standing in their field. We look for candidates who are passionate about the subjects they teach and who bring this enthusiasm into their classrooms.
Are you a beginner, expert, or somewhere in between? Not to worry! We offer a variety of high-quality opportunities designed to prepare you for your next step. We offer placement opportunities ranging between just wanting to try out teaching to career placements to help match you to your skill and interest level.
Our mission is to embrace the pursuit of excellence both inside and outside the classroom or workplace. We encourage critical thinking and emphasize the learning process over rote memorization.
243 Southwest Aubudon Avenue, Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34984, United States
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